
My publically available code can be found on BitBucket.

Selected Examples


This is a cli based data collector for Junos based devices. It currently supports M, T, MX, EX Series and SRX both High-End and Branch. It is object-oriented Perl which uses polymorphism to reduce code duplication.


This is a utility script with a number of methods that can be used to analyse columnar data from STDIN. It support a large number of statistical operations. (Coefficient of variance, geometric mean, harmonic mean, kurtosis, max, mean, median, min, mode, range, root mean square, skewness, stddev, sum and variance).


Create Text Graphs (histograms) for lines matching a regex from files matching a glob optionally with "begin" and/or "end" timestamps. This tool helps analyse time-based trends and patterns in log data. (For example, need to know how many logins per hour? How many specific log messages over a specified timeframe?)